A Unit Of Rajeev Neelu Kachwaha Public Charitable Trust

Swati conducts various health programmes for the benefit of the slum dwellers, with a special focus on children, pregnant women, early mothers, and young women. Health of a child, particularly in infancy and that of its mother have a direct impact on the child’s future, including its mental, physical and emotional development. Swati runs campaigns to emphasize on the importance of nutrition, immunization, regular check-ups, personal hygiene and pre / post natal care. We hold meetings with pregnant women, young mothers, children, parents and the youth of the community to instil a culture of good healthy habits. We also conduct programmes for young women, to counsel them on sexual reproductive health, family planning etc.

A healthy child is more likely to attend school regularly, perform better and be more confident in all endeavours. A healthy mother is critical to enable a healthy family. Hence our health and hygiene programmes are just as important as our educational and vocational ones.

Some of the programmes /campaigns we have introduced over the years are:

Healthy Mother To A Healthy Child

The main aim of this programme is to encourage good health practices for pregnant women, lactating mothers, and infants aged 0-3 years. Special emphasis is laid on nutrition, immunization and availing medical care during this critical period. Pregnant women are educated about the whole process of delivery, how to prepare for delivery related emergencies and the importance of ante/post- natal check-up. They are made aware of the various government health programmes/services they can avail and are provided due linkages to government services like JSS and IGMS.

Early Childhood Care

Women and children are counselled about the importance of immunization, the need for regular health check-ups and a nutritious diet.  They are encouraged to seek medical help wherever required, and attend our health camps from time to time. They are also made aware about seasonal illnesses, and how to prevent them, including by way of immunity building.

Health Camps

In partnership with various donors and non-profit organisations, Swati organises regular health check-up camps for the slum dwellers.  We have  conducted dental camps, eye check-ups, general health check-ups, T.B counselling, HIV testing and counselling and much more.


The Swati team goes door to door and gathers small groups to interact with and makes them understand the importance of personal hygiene. The importance of having a bath daily, washing hands regularly, wearing clean clothes and cleaning their houses is emphasised. Women and adolescent girls are made aware of the importance of menstrual hygiene and the repercussions it can have on their health if not maintained.   We motivate the residents to form themselves into self-help groups (SHG) and carry out sanitation and other environmental improvement programmes. The overall endeavour is to bring about greater awareness and motivation amongst the community people. We have seen the community come together with the help of SHG, to clean public toilets and sweep the streets.